CLI Usage

Install with pip install misfit

Create an app with “Application Domain” set to Now use the “App key” and “App secret” in the following command:

misfit authorize --client_id=<app_key> --client_secret=<app_secret>

That will save the necessary credentials for making further API calls to a file called “misfit.cfg”. These credentials should be kept private. You can use same the command-line client to access everything in the Resource API. You can also access the same resources using the Python API:

>>> from misfit import Misfit
>>> misfit = Misfit(<client_id>, <client_secret>, <access_token>)
>>> print(misfit.profile())
{u'gender': u'male', u'birthday': u'1981-07-18', u'userId': u'scrubbed', u'name': u'Brad Pitcher'}

API Usage

After you have installed and created your misfit app you can authorize and use the API with your own web server rather than the built-in CherryPy server like so:

>>> from misfit.auth import MisfitAuth
>>> auth = MisfitAuth(<client_id>, <client_secret>, redirect_uri=<redirect_uri>)
>>> auth_url = auth.authorize_url()

Now redirect the user to auth_url. When control returns to your web server at the endpoint specified in <redirect_uri>, you will receive code and state GET params you can pass to the fetch_token method, which will return access_token, which is needed for further API calls:

>>> access_token = auth.fetch_token(<code>, <state>)
>>> from misfit import Misfit
>>> misfit = Misfit(<client_id>, <client_secret>, <access_token>)
>>> print(misfit.profile())
{u'gender': u'male', u'birthday': u'1981-07-18', u'userId': u'scrubbed', u'name': u'Brad Pitcher'}