Source code for misfit.cli

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Misfit client

  misfit authorize --client_id=<client_id> --client_secret=<client_secret> [--config=<config_file>]
  misfit profile [--user_id=<user_id>] [--object_id=<object_id>] [--config=<config_file>]
  misfit device [--user_id=<user_id>] [--object_id=<object_id>] [--config=<config_file>]
  misfit goal (--start_date=<start_date> --end_date=<end_date>|--object_id=<object_id>) [--user_id=<user_id>] [--config=<config_file>]
  misfit summary --start_date=<start_date> --end_date=<end_date> [--detail] [--user_id=<user_id>] [--config=<config_file>]
  misfit session (--start_date=<start_date> --end_date=<end_date>|--object_id=<object_id>) [--user_id=<user_id>] [--config=<config_file>]
  misfit sleep (--start_date=<start_date> --end_date=<end_date>|--object_id=<object_id>) [--user_id=<user_id>] [--config=<config_file>]
  misfit --version
  misfit --help

  -h --help                        Show this screen.
  --version                        Show version.
  --client_id=<client_id>          App key of your Misfit app.
  --client_secret=<client_secret>  App secret of your Misfit app.
  --config=<config_file>           Use the config file specified [default: ./misfit.cfg]
  --user_id=<user_id>              Misfit User ID.
  --object_id=<object_id>          ID of a single Misfit object.
  --start_date=<start_date         Date at the start of a range: Eg. 2014-11-20.
  --end_date=<end_date>            Date at the end of a range: Eg. 2014-11-30.
  --detail                         If specified, print summary detail for each day.

from __future__ import absolute_import

from docopt import docopt
from pprint import PrettyPrinter
from six.moves import configparser

from misfit import __version__
from misfit.auth import MisfitAuth
from misfit.misfit import Misfit

[docs]class MisfitCli: def __init__(self, arguments): """ Runs the command specified as an argument with the options specified """ self.config_file = arguments['--config'] self.config = configparser.ConfigParser() self.client_id = None self.client_secret = None self.access_token = None if arguments['authorize']: self.client_id = arguments['--client_id'] self.client_secret = arguments['--client_secret'] self.authorize() elif not arguments['--version'] and not arguments['--help']: try: # Fail if config file doesn't exist or is missing information self.read_config() except (IOError, configparser.NoOptionError, configparser.NoSectionError): print('Missing config information, please run ' '"misfit authorize"') else: # Everything is good! Get the requested resource(s) self.get_resource(arguments)
[docs] def read_config(self): """ Read credentials from the config file """ with open(self.config_file) as cfg: try: self.config.read_file(cfg) except AttributeError: # Not python 3.X fallback self.config.readfp(cfg) self.client_id = self.config.get('misfit', 'client_id') self.client_secret = self.config.get('misfit', 'client_secret') self.access_token = self.config.get('misfit', 'access_token')
[docs] def write_config(self, access_token): """ Write credentials to the config file """ self.config.add_section('misfit') self.config.set('misfit', 'client_id', self.client_id) self.config.set('misfit', 'client_secret', self.client_secret) self.config.set('misfit', 'access_token', access_token) with open(self.config_file, 'w') as cfg: self.config.write(cfg) print('Credentials written to %s' % self.config_file)
[docs] def get_resource(self, arguments): """ Gets the resource requested in the arguments """ user_id = arguments['--user_id'] object_id = arguments['--object_id'] start_date = arguments['--start_date'] end_date = arguments['--end_date'] detail = arguments['--detail'] misfit = Misfit(self.client_id, self.client_secret, self.access_token, user_id) if arguments['profile']: result = misfit.profile(object_id) elif arguments['device']: result = misfit.device(object_id) elif arguments['goal']: result = misfit.goal(start_date, end_date, object_id) elif arguments['summary']: result = misfit.summary(start_date, end_date, detail) elif arguments['session']: result = misfit.session(start_date, end_date, object_id) elif arguments['sleep']: result = misfit.sleep(start_date, end_date, object_id) pp = PrettyPrinter(indent=4) if isinstance(result, list): pp.pprint([ for res in result]) else: pp.pprint(
[docs] def authorize(self): """ Authorize a user using the browser and a CherryPy server, and write the resulting credentials to a config file. """ # Thanks to the magic of docopts, I can be guaranteed to have a # a client_id and client_secret auth = MisfitAuth(self.client_id, self.client_secret) auth.browser_authorize() # Write the authentication information to a config file for later use if auth.token: self.write_config(auth.token['access_token']) else: print('ERROR: We were unable to authorize to use the Misfit API.')
def main(): """ Parse the arguments and use them to create a MisfitCli object """ version = 'Python Misfit %s' % __version__ arguments = docopt(__doc__, version=version) MisfitCli(arguments) if __name__ == '__main__': """ Makes this file runnable with "python -m misfit.cli" """ main()